Trusted By:
At NASA's request, Celestis provided its first mission to the Moon by helping friends of noted planetary geologist Dr. Eugene Shoemaker include a symbolic portion of Dr. Shoemaker's cremated remains on the NASA Lunar Prospector mission.
The families of NASA astronauts L. Gordon Cooper, Jr., William Pogue, Nicole Stott, and Philip Chapman have chosen Celestis for the astronauts themselves or family members. Senator John Glenn – the first American to orbit the Earth – recommended Celestis to his constituents.
Celebrities, Entertainers, Artists, & Scholars
Star Trek’s Gene & Majel Roddenberry, Sir Arthur C. Clarke, author of 2001: A Space Odyssey, Star Trek’s James Doohan (“Scotty”), musician Randy VanWarmer who composed the # 1 hit song “Just When I Needed You Most,” famed New York artist Luise Kaish, Titanic explorer Ralph Bradshaw White and Dr. Gerald M. "Jerry" Gregorek, professor of Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering at Ohio State University -- These are just some of the creative and intellectual participants on Celestis Memorial Spaceflights.
Servicemen & Women, Teachers, Firefighters, Artists, & Law Enforcement
You don’t have to be a celebrity or scientist to fly with Celestis. Anyone can reach for the stars. Folks like British police officer Michael Toseland, New Jersey firefighter William Petry, Jr., Illinois plumber Jimmy Reynolds, UPS driver William Peterson, U.S. Coast Guard Master Chief Ralph Horn, Florida physician Joan Kidd, Pennsylvania nurse William Powley, III, and New Mexico CPA Kathy Prangley.
Since our first mission in 1997, we have understood that we are not just a company that provides payloads for space travel. Of even greater importance is our commitment to assist your families to remember and celebrate the lives of loved ones onboard our missions.
Celestis is recognized globally as the first proven provider of Memorial Spaceflights. Celestis has successfully navigated all aspects of our 17 missions to date. This record of success is unmatched by anyone, anywhere.
Extraordinary Care
We have full-time client services staff members who respond to inquiries about the process or timing of our missions; assist in the development & publication of participant biographies on our website; and join the balance of our staff for virtual and on-site memorial services associated with each mission. Our advisory and consulting team includes a fully qualified grief counselor who assists family members – as and if desired – in the “re-entry to life” process. Celestis is a caring team who forges long term relationships with our clients and family members.
Celestis Memorial Spaceflight services
When you help a family select a Celestis Memorial Spaceflight, you’ve chosen the pioneer
& most experienced team ever assembled to fulfill the dream of spaceflight for someone's loved one.
Celestis’ attention to detail, flawless execution, and performance guarantee
ensure a memorial experience like no other.
Celestis Partner commissions of $250-$1,250 per sale are available, with no cost to join.
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